Reviewing: Dad's Bible (The Father's Plan)

Obviously, I am not a father, but I chose this book from BookSneeze so that I could give it to my dad after reading it.  I figured, "Hey, even if I'm a teenage girl, I can still look and see if this Bible has potential to be a great study Bible for fathers."  I am Dad's Bible.jpgreviewing after reading the book of James and the notes included within that book.

According to its description-
Dad's Bible: The Father's Plan is the perfect gift for father's, fathers-to-be, and father figures of any age.  The Dad's Bible is filled with challenging and helpful information designed to encourage and uplift fathers whose lives will be a priceless legacy for generations to come.  Whether as a personal purchase, a Father's Day gift, or "just because," Dad's Bible is sure to draw the reader into quality personal time with our Heavenly Father.

What I liked-
I liked how the inscriptions in the Bible made James seem like a man that other men could relate to.  Notes would bring up certain verses from a spiritually-growing man's point of view, from an elder's point of view, and from a father's point of view.  They seemed to cover all topics and offer a lot of encouragement.  This Bible looks nice and crisp.  The designs on the inside are appropriate for the targeted gender.

What I didn't like-
This isn't a huge critique, but I wish that this Bible went into further depth than a small paragraph here or a one-liner there.  Maybe I am missing out on some of the depth because I only read a small book, but this Bible seems to waver between study Bible and small encouragement Bible.  However, there are great tips for every Father and in no way do I discourage you from buying it.

I recommend this book for-
Fathers, obviously.  New fathers and elderly fathers alike.  No matter their place in life, this Bible seems to have notes for everyone.  Since today is Father's Day, I think this is a great last-minute gift for your dad.

Disclosure of Material Connection:
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their <> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

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