The Boy in the Sombrero
Posted by Photography
| Filed underOkay, this picture just makes me laugh.
It's about four years old and poorly edited, but it's just so funny. This was taken back in the day where we would carpool with our neighbors because none of us could drive yet. I believe it was Spirit Week, so everyone was dressed up, which would explain the bizarre outfits.
My little brother, Luke, is the one with the sombrero. He looks so serious and intense, despite his strange hat and the crazy expression that his friend Camryn is making. To be honest, I'm not even sure why Camryn was making that face in the first place.
This picture is just random. I can't help but laugh whenever I see it.
It's about four years old and poorly edited, but it's just so funny. This was taken back in the day where we would carpool with our neighbors because none of us could drive yet. I believe it was Spirit Week, so everyone was dressed up, which would explain the bizarre outfits.
My little brother, Luke, is the one with the sombrero. He looks so serious and intense, despite his strange hat and the crazy expression that his friend Camryn is making. To be honest, I'm not even sure why Camryn was making that face in the first place.
This picture is just random. I can't help but laugh whenever I see it.
Tags: family, funny, inside joke, little brother, random, silly, sombrero, spirit week
Heyy Emily!!(:
I love this pic. lol!!!! :D
Also, I have a couple questions for you on past topics. ;)
1. Two of my Christian friends, both 14 or almost 14 years old... Like ke$ha's music. One of them, the almost-14-year-old, (apparently) thinks her music is clean, because she (my friend) says things like "pretty mug any clean, fun music is okay with me." I'm not sure if this friend likes ke$ha as much as the other friend does (she mentioned like, a YouTube parody of "tik tok" to me, but not THAT much more than that...:/) but it still kinda troubles me, if she thinks ke$ha's music is clean...:( my other friend, I don't know as well, but she has mentioned that she likes ke$ha. Soooooooooooooo I have basically 2 questions(;
1. How do I nicely say something, while not sounding bossy, as I'm a little younger than them?
2. Do you think it's ok to still associate with them?
Thank you VERY much!!!!!!! :D god bless(:
Bit of a random question, but what photo-editing programme do you use?
Thank you :)
These are some of the songs that I would love for you to cover on your youtube account.
1. What do I know of holy - Addison Road
2. My story - Addison Road
3. Anything by Britt Nicole
ohyeah- YouTube songs:) I'd live if you could cover some Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood... And Britt Nicole!(:
Personally, I think the best way to handle confronting your friends about Ke$ha can be one of a few different ways:
1.) Wait until one of her songs is playing on the radio or the next time one of your friends brings up a Kesha song, and mention a part of the song that is inappropriate. For a semi-clean example, when Kesha says "boys are trying to touch my junk" in Tik Tok, you could say, "Look at what she's saying here. How is that clean?" Perhaps if you brought up specific instances in Kesha's songs, your friends would realize that perhaps her lyrics aren't so clean.
2.) Bring up Kesha from your own perspective. For example: "I saw this Kesha video on YouTube and man, that song was so inappropriate... she was talking about sex and alcohol and etc." Talk about it like you were horrified, but don't bring up the fact that your friends listen to her.
3.) Print out my review of Kesha, which goes into a little depth of why Kesha's music isn't very clean and show that to your friends. You could say something like, "I came across this the other day. What do you think?" and then the opinion would be coming from an outsider's perspective and not just your own.
And finally, I think it's fine to still associate and hang out with your friends, even if they listen to music you don't necessarily approve of. I have some friends who listen to Kesha and while I ask them not to play her music around me and have told them what I think about her music, I feel like it isn't my place to judge them by the music they listen to. You said they were still Christians, right? Perhaps they're more immature in their faith than you are or perhaps they won't ever see Kesha's music as being wrong because of their own reasons.
So long as you feel like you've done your job as being Christian accountability and you don't feel like your friends are leading you away from God, I would say that it's perfectly fine for you to hang out with your friends. Everyone will have differences. I think it's great that you're concerned about your friends and about the music you listen to. :)
@anonymous: For this picture, I used a basic editing program called Picasa. I now use iPhoto and Picnik. :)
@Emily- thank you so much for helping me with that! It reallyyyy helped give me a "place to start" discussing things...:)
An yes, they're both Christian.(:
God bless you forever and always!(: