The Essentials in Life... for a Puppy, at least.

Food and Water
The good thing about owning a small dog is that it won't eat much.  Jack will eat about half a bowl of dog food a day, but his bowl isn't very big.  Since we've gotten Jack six months ago, we've only had to purchase two or three bags of dog food.

See the bowl in the picture to your left?  That's actually the smallest food bowl they had available at Pet Co.  Jack's grown into it more now, but when he was a puppy, he could have fit inside the thing.

Because Yorkies are small, you have to feed them more often than you would a big dog because their metabolisms are fast.  I recommend keeping a bowl that contains a little bit of food out most of the time or at least designating two or three meal times a day for your puppy.  Good "meal times" would be when you eat so your puppy won't beg at your feet. 

Your vet will be able to recommend the best kinds of food for your puppy.  You should also use the same brand of food your breeder used and possibly adjust your puppy to a new brand later on.  If you abruptly switch brands of food, your puppy could get sick. 

We have a bowl that has constantly running water for our three of our dogs that Jack uses.  If you don't have fresh water available, be sure to change out your puppy's water bowl at least once a day.

You should be able to find small puppy bowls for only a couple of dollars at your local pet store or even Wal-Mart.

These are more of a luxury, but please know that you'll need to get your puppy at least one toy to keep up his imagination.  I heard that three toys is the perfect amount for a dog because he'll never get bored or spoiled.  I guess Jack is spoiled because he has about fifteen toys.  He shares them with the other dogs, of course, but he dominates them. 

A lot of toys can be handmade, like Christmas ornaments.  Those round shiny balls with the knob at the top?  Jack loves them.  They're his favorite toy.  He always loses them though.  We also get Jack squeaky balls and small stuffed animals because he loves fetch and tug of war.  He plays with a few toys left over from our previous dog, Coco, who didn't work out in our household because she attacked our dog Boo.  He also loves makeshift toys like toilet paper rolls and plastic cups.  Jack will basically play with anything.

To the right, you can see Jack's expression when he really, really, really, really wants me to play with him.  Cute, isn't it?

Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at JacktheDorkyYorkie.  

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  1. Thanks for these tips!! Haha my Uncle's dog is definatly spoiled then as she has 8or10 toys just for her! lol :)

  2. Hey Emily,:)

    Sorry this is so random :P but my friend Trini at is in need of a nice modest Confirmation dress by March 23! (read the full story at her blog) any suggestions?(:


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