Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My own little impact.

Day 17: What kind of impact do you want to make on the world?

I want to do something for the world.  I want to leave a mark somehow for the Lord.

So many people die without having done much with their lives.  I don't want to be someone who dies and is forgotten in a few years.  I want to make an impact before I go.  I want to do something worthwhile with the time that I have.

To my loved ones, I want to be remembered as being kind and self-sacrificing.  I don't want to be remembered as selfish or judgmental or bitter.  I want to be remembered as a girl who strove to be like Christ, even if I sometimes fail.  I want to make an impact on my loved ones for Christ in whatever way I can.

I want to make an impact on world hunger and do as much as I can for that cause before I go.  I want to put a dent in poverty.  So many kids are starving each and every day.  There are too many dying children.  This needs to end.  I'll use my life to try to end world hunger.  Too many kids die from starvation and preventable diseases each and every day.

Finally, I want to make an impact with my writing.  In many ways, my writing is my legacy.  I hope that someday, something I write will impact someone for the Lord.

What kind of impact do YOU want to make on the world?


  1. This reminds me very much of a song, History Maker. If I were to answer the question, I fear I'd ramble on far too much for a comment, and I fear I'd be echoing you too much also!

    "Is it true today that when people pray
    Cloudless skies will break
    Kings and queens will shake
    Yes it's true and I believe it
    I'm living for you

    Is it true today that when people pray
    We'll see dead men rise
    And the blind set free
    Yes it's true and I believe it
    I'm living for you

    I'm gonna be a history maker in this land
    I'm gonna be a speaker of truth to all mankind
    I'm gonna stand, I'm gonna run
    Into your arms, into your arms again
    Into your arms, into your arms again

    Well it's true today that when people stand
    With the fire of God, and the truth in hand
    We'll see miracles, we'll see angels sing
    We'll see broken hearts making history
    Yes it's true and I believe it
    We're living for you"

  2. Anny, that's a beautiful song. THAT song reminds me of another song that I love by Nichole Nordeman called Legacy. I listen to it all the time.

    "I want to leave a legacy.
    How will they remember me?
    Did I choose to love?
    Did I point to You enough
    To make a mark on things?
    I want to leave an offering
    A child of mercy and grace who
    blessed your name unapologetically
    And leave that kind of legacy."
