Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Prank War: Hospital Trip!

I know it's been a while since I've updated you guys on our ongoing prank war.  The thing is... Rebekah and I were waiting for Caleb to attempt to strike back.  We didn't want to prank him over and over and over again if he wasn't going to retaliate.  That wouldn't be very nice.  So we waited.  And waited.  And finally he struck. :)
Unfortunately, Caleb had a victory.  He attacked Rebekah's house, writing "Susan Boyle!" (his nickname for Rebekah) on her front sidewalk with whipped cream and sticking cheese squares on her windows.  He also sprayed her yard and sidewalk with spray cheese and yarned and toilet papered her trees.  Caleb's prank wasn't amazing, but he was never caught, so he succeeded.
Thankfully, Caleb didn't know how to get to my house, so he couldn't prank me.  Hooray!
I wish I had some pictures to share with you guys, but Rebekah forgot to take any, so I don't.
Before I share the next part to this story, let me tell you about something that happened a month or two ago.  Caleb and I are lab partners in our environmental science class at school.  Of all things, we were cutting foam poster boards with a scalpel because my teacher doesn't allow us to have scissors.  Scissors are too dangerous.  Strange, isn't it?  I had the scalpel and was drawing it across the board when Caleb said, "Here, let me show you..." and grabbed it out of my hand.
I felt a sharp pain slice through my hand and glanced down with shock to see a red line appearing across my finger.  "Caleb, you cut me!" I gasped, but he laughed it off.
"Yeah, right.  You're such a bad liar, Emily!"
Haha... ha... no.
Luckily, the cut didn't need stitches after all and while I had to wear a bandage for about a week, it was all good.  However, I had something to hang over Caleb's head for a very, very long time.
For example:
Caleb walks by, knocking my books off my desk.
"Pick them up," I command.
He scoffs.  "Emily, you can't make me do anything of the sort."
"You cut my poor finger."
"Okay, fine."  And he picks up the books.
Brilliant, isn't it?  Very much worth the minor pain the cut from the scalpel possibly caused.
Back to the story of Caleb's last prank towards Rebekah.  That following Monday, Caleb came to school gloating about his victory and Rebekah was understandably steamed.  They bantered back and forth all throughout our first few classes, exchanging threats and mocking comments (all in good fun, of course).
At the end of English class, Caleb said something to taunt Rebekah and she threw her pen at him.  He ducked dramatically and ended up smacking his face against the corner of a desk.  Of course, we blame a lot of this on Caleb... because he was the one who tried to throw himself on the ground to hide from a pen in the first place.
When Caleb sat up, the area of skin above his upper lip and beneath his nose was spurting blood.  We all laughed for a few minutes, but then we realized how deep the cut was.  And then Caleb had to leave school... and go to the emergency room.
He texted me later that night, saying he'd gotten three stitches.
Now, this wasn't part of the prank war and the war is still continuing.  This was a fluke accident that we never meant to happen.  However, it's now nice to tell Caleb, "Do you want Rebekah to make you get more stitches?"
Unfortunately, Caleb has something to hold over Rebekah, just like I used to hang that scalpel incident over his head.
I'll share a small prank that Rebekah and I played on Caleb on the 27th, so stay tuned.  The best part is... the prank came from one of YOUR ideas!

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