Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ROFL-ing Puppy

Lately Jack has been hanging a lot in my room.  If I don't let him in, he'll scratch at my door until he finally consents.  The other day, I was taking pictures of Jack, so he got sick of it.  This is his "let me out of your room now" face.
Jack makes me laugh sometimes.  He's still a puppy, so Jack loves to play.  Lately he's been chewing up everything.  Typical puppy behavior.  The family is learning to hide everything.  I've found him carrying around a plastic clothes hanger by the loop, pens, sealed nail polish bottles, a makeup brush, a paper towel, and more.  Jack will play with anything and everything.  Including my hand.
And lastly, Jack loves to laugh.
Haha, not really, but this picture sure looks like he is rofl-ing, doesn't it?
Someone told me the other day that I need to make a children's book series about Jack.  It would sure be amusing.  Jack thinks his life is incredibly adventurous, even if he's slowly learning day by day that we allow the pets in our house to become lazy couch potatoes.  Somehow, I'm not sure that Jack will ever become one of those.  He's too crazy.
Be sure to check out Jack's YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/JacktheDorkyYorkie.

1 comment:

  1. Aww he's SO cute!! I need a little Yorkie in my life like him <3 haha :)
