Fresh Haircut

Although most Yorkies are known to have stereotypically long hair, we like to keep Jack's short.  First of all, for a rambunctious puppy, long hair seems a little bit of a hassle.  Even when it's cut short, Jack's hair gets tangled and crazy-looking in a matter of hours.  He's constantly wrestling with the other dogs and rolling around on the floor.

We always give Jack the "puppy cut." 

At the end of the month, Jack will start to look a bit shaggy.  His hair will start to flop over his eyes and his little ears won't look so pointy and sharp anymore.  When he's brushed out, the look can still be cute.  Here is Jack last month when his hair was starting to look shaggy... not too bad, actually, but an appointment had already been set.

shaggy jack jpgAnd here is Jack after his appointment.  Pointy ears, small feet, silky soft (although not for long).  Just like I love a guy with a fresh haircut, I love my puppy with a fresh haircut too.  And the hair bow and bandana they give him only make Jack that much cuter.

clean cut jack jpgOkay, now that I look at the two comparisons, I realize I should have picked a month where Jack was starting to resemble Chewbacca.  He's getting pretty bad right now, so maybe I'll share another puppy haircut blog soon.  But either way, here are pictures of Jack.  And that's always cute. :)

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  1. Aww he's adorable!! Where do you get his fur cut? How much is a haircut typically?

  2. Nikki, we get his fur cut at a local groomer who specializes in small dogs like him. She does a lot of Yorkies. It costs about $35 per cut. We get him cut every 4-6 weeks. Right now, he looks like a mop because we're waiting longer so he'll be cut when guests come over for graduation. Puppy hair apparently grows faster than adult hair. My dog Buddy only needs to be groomed every 6-8 weeks.

  3. He's so cute! I bet it's hard to be bored with him around. ^_^

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