My Poor Eyes... Pray for Me?

Hey, guys.  I'd like to share a prayer request with all of you.

This morning I'm getting Lasik eye surgery at 11:00 Central time.  I'm very nervous, as some of you might remember from this post. Eye doctors P1020640.jpgjust aren't my thing, so I've been anticipating today with a lot of fear and anxiety.  I feel some peace about this, but I'm still scared.  Having my eyes operated on is still scary. 

But I know it will be okay.  God IS with me.

For the fun of it, I'll show you an unedited picture of my eye to your left.

Some of my friends have stepped up and done sweet, sweet things for me.  Yesterday, one of my close friends called me on the phone and said, "Emily, can I pray over you?"  So right there over the phone, I closed my eyes and was able to hear the reassuring prayer of a good friend.  How comforting.  Her prayer was so sweet, it nearly brought tears to my eyes.  I have such good friends.

Another friend texted me and said that she'd been thinking and perhaps for a day I'll have the opportunity to walk by faith and not by sight.  Her perspective gave me a good laugh.  Very true! 

Rebekah will be coming over this afternoon to keep me company.  I'll be given some Valium to help keep me calm and still through the surgery this morning, but I'm going to have to stay awake for six hours afterwards.  Since Valium will make me sleepy, this might be difficult, so it'll be very nice to have a good friend come over to entertain me.  I wouldn't allow just any friend to come over!  After all, I won't be able to see well, I'll be wearing a dorky eye shield (I may post pictures later), and my eyes will probably be puffy and red.  Yikes!

And finally, Ali will also be here to entertain me this afternoon.  So long as I'm able to have fun through the sleepiness and discomfort, this afternoon should be a blast!

And on the brighter side, as soon as I recover from this, it will be so worth it!  I'll be able to SEE without glasses or contacts.  I'll have great vision with my own eyes.  What a miracle!

Here are some specific prayer requests for you to pray for. (All times are in Central).

9:00-11:00 -- That I will not feel too much anxiety as I anticipate this surgery.  That I will feel God's peace and no longer be afraid.

11:00-2:00 -- (I'm not actually sure when I'll be entirely done.)  This whole procedure lasts only ten minutes, but I'll have to take some meds and have them do preliminary stuff, so I don't know.  Anyways, during this time frame, please pray that I will be able to control my fears and stay strong for the surgery, since I'll be awake.  Please pray over the hands of the doctor, since he'll be operating on something as delicate as my eyeball.

2:00-all night -- That I won't be in much discomfort or pain.  They told me I may have a sensation of burning or like sand has gotten caught in my eyes, which scares me.  My eyes are so sensitive.  Please pray that the discomfort will be minimal, if possible.  Also, please pray that I'll be able to easily stay awake!

Tomorrow morning -- I'll be arriving back at the clinic for them to do a check up on the progress of my eyes.  I should be able to see fine tomorrow.  Please pray that everything will have worked out great and that my eyes will be fine overnight.

Thank you so much for the prayers, guys.  I feel so, so comforted and encouraged when I know there are people praying for me.  This is a scary day for me, but I know God IS here.  God WILL be holding my hand.  He is with me, so I will try my best to be strong.

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1 Comment

  1. Oh my dear! I will pray for you. You are my dear sister in Jesus, and He is definitely with you.
    Much love!

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