Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Graduation

(I know this is a little late, but I didn't have much of a chance to share graduation photos.)
The day has finally come.  I'm a high school graduate.
The air was filled with excitement as my class got dressed in our long blue robes together in the choir room at the back end of the church.  The red and blue tassle tickled my cheek as my friends and I hugged and chattered eagerly and shared stories with each other.

We walked into the sanctuary of the church to the famous graduation tune, smiling widely and waving at our families.  Zeek was salutatorian, Drey was valedictorian, and Andy Braner was our guest speaker.  The service was great.
We all were given puzzle pieces to hand our superintendent as a joke as we received our diplomas.  By the end of the night, he had forty-four puzzle pieces to represent our class.
After we all received our diplomas and moved our tassles to the left, we left the room together.  It was over.

In the hallways were our senior tables, blanketed in childhood photographs and memories.  My mom made my senior table as a surprise and I loved it.  It was everything I could have wanted, with some pictures of me and my loved ones, the copies of my two books, my scrapbook, and more.  Draped over the table as a table cloth was a quilt made of my high school t-shirts.

So many wonderful family and friends came to visit me and offer congratulations.  It was so special.  My pastor came and so did several family friends.  It just light up my whole day to see that they had come to support me.  My family also came.  It was so nice to get to hug on them and feel like I was truly, truly loved and supported.

My friends and I hugged and said our goodbyes.  Normally, saying goodbye wouldn't matter at all.  I mean, we'll be hanging out nearly every day over the summer, so there isn't a whole lot to be sad about.  But since I was leaving on the cruise the next day, the goodbyes were genuinely sad.  It was going to be nearly two weeks since we would get to see each other again.
After leaving the church, my family and I went to one of my favorite restaurants, where I opened some of my presents and ate some wonderful Mexican food.
Overall, the night was a great success.
I'm no longer in high school.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Emily!! You look so happy and I'm sure you and your family and friends are just thrilled! Enjoy this exciting time :)
