Grown Up Conversations
Posted by My Life
| Filed underB: Best Friend
If you've looked through my blog at all, then you know my best friend, Ali. We met in fifth grade, where she was the first friend I made at my new school. We kept up out friendship through middle school, but it wasn't until our sophomore year of high school that we became best friends. My senior year of high school, I got the opportunity for Ali to come live in my home and it was a blast.
You know, friendship is taken to a whole new level when you actually live together. Yes, Ali and I are still best friends, but it seems more like we're sisters now. And I'm so glad. :)
Since I've talked about Ali so much on my blog, I thought I'd simply share a photograph of my FIRST best friend. This is one of my favorite childhood pictures because it makes me laugh and say, "Awwww!" at the same time. This isn't very good quality because I actually took a picture of the picture, but you get the idea. It's just so perfect.
We look so grown-up and so little at the same time. We were probably three or four here. I love our fancy dresses and bows. I love how we look as if we're having an adult conversation, but the teddy bear I'm holding in my hand gives away our childhood even more.
I just love this photo.
Tags: alphabet blog challenge, best friend, cute kids, first best friend, grown ups, teddy bear
Aww!! That is one of the most adorable photographs i've ever seen :)