Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Levitating Photos

Some of you may remember Rebekah from the prank wars.  Whenever she comes over, we love taking pictures and being silly.  Today's mission was to look like we were flying or levitating.  We weren't quite as good as the girl from this blog.




And despite the fact that it was a record-breaking 109 degrees outside, we thought we'd go ahead and take some head shots.  The sun was setting, it was burning hot outside, and it was also incredibly windy, but we still managed to take some decent pictures.

Rebekah is incredibly photogenic, so I love taking pictures of her.

And I'm not as photogenic... I tend to give up more easily.

And then I'll decide to try to take a picture again...

...but I can't seem to sit still for long.

I love these kinds of days. (:

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