(Warning: pictures of a two-headed baby doll and a somewhat disturbing-looking plastic zombie are featured in this post.)
I've gotten a few requests to actually give an explanation for letter "N" of the alphabet blogging challenge. For "nothing" day, I posted three odd pictures and offered no explanation. Today I'll give a little backstory for each one.
First is a picture of me and three of my friends. (I'm the one on the far right.) While my friends are each wearing a cute dress, I happen to be dressed like a guy.
This is one of my proudest moments.
Actually, we were in costume. No, I'm not in theatre. Every New Year's Eve for the last few years, my friends and I have gotten together and made a "movie" to celebrate the new year. The movies are always very cheesy, very overdramatic, and very... entertaining to our families. Check out the movie we made from last year called "The Beauty of Friendship."
I believe this was from junior year (or was it sophomore year?) of high school. The movie was about three young women who were attending a tea party together. When the girl on the far left, Whitney, is kidnapped after rejecting the "Bad Man" (notice the t-shirt), her two best friends/detectives step in to save the day. The video ends with me tied to a chair while the girls rejoice all around me.
It was a great, great work of art. You know, the fact that we start filming around one or two in the morning probably never helps the quality of our movies. I hope this tradition never ends.
So yes, that's how my friends happen to be dressed in adorable outfits while I'm wearing a beanie (to hide my hair), giant basketball shorts, and Rebekah's dad's t-shirt. I make the perfect-looking tough guy. Actually, my gangster antics were the most pitiful moments of the entire video. Oh, man.
This photograph is a bit tougher to explain. It was mid-March of my sophomore year in high school. A friend of mine had come over for the weekend from out of town, so I invited a few other friends to have a cookout at my house. Towards the end of the night, we decided to take one of those cheesy holding hands and jumping at the same time pictures. (High School Musical 1 or 2 had just come out and those pictures were everywhere.)
At first we took a group shot, which took about 300,000,000,000 attempts to get everyone in the air at the same time. And because of the darkened lighting in the barn, the picture ended up being a bit creepy rather than adorable. Perhaps disturbingly cute. How's that?
And then we took some individual shots, where each person would try to get a neat jumping picture all on their own, like this:
Unfortunately, I am usually the photographer in my group of friends. I'm the one who always remembers to bring the camera and I enjoy finding fun shots. When it came time for me to jump, they took the picture a moment too late and snapped it just as I was landing back on the ground. I just so happened to look like a deranged pyschopath.
Isn't it scary?
On this particular day, my friend Connor had come to my city to visit for a day. While we were trying to think of interesting things to do, we went to Hobby Lobby and saw some doll body parts, Earth Bound Co. and played with hermit crabs, and then we entered a toy store. Now, I wasn't allowed into many toy stores as a kid because my entire focus in life would suddenly become, "I need this toy. I need this toy. Please, I beg of you, good mother. GIVE ME THIS TOY!" But you know, the toy stores I did visit never contained Halloween decorations.
There was an entire aisle of Halloween things. I found myself a zombie boyfriend. Connor found a head that hung from a chain (and a tiny violin).
Then we came across something... interesting. At first, I noticed the somewhat ugly doll with cute blue eyes and a pudgy face. And then my eyes immediately fell on the demonic-looking twin baby right beside it. The bulging veins in its arms, the red eyes, the fangs, the horrifying curve of its little baby eyebrows. And finally, the last thing I noticed was that the two babies were attached. A two-headed Jekyll/Hyde baby. That had to be the most interesting thing we saw all day.
So that's the explanation for the wonderful "Nothing" post. Now you'll finally be able to sleep at night, haha. ;)
Yay! I had been wondering about the pictures...and now I know. :D