Quick Update
Posted by News and Updates
| Filed underI know I said I would do a college Q&A on September 10, but after receiving many, many questions, I decided to change things up a bit (like I usually end up doing). I'm sorry if this bothers you, but since I have been so busy with studying and homework, I think this will be the easiest for me to sort out in my own mind.
I have divided the questions I've received into different topics and I will write blog posts depending on the topics. The schedule is this:
September 10: Classes, professors, scheduling, and school work.
September 12: Social Life: dorm life, making friends, church, organizations, and keeping up with family.
September 14: Questions about college in general (hardest part, easiest part, what it's like to attend a big school, etc.)
Overall, that equals three different days I will spread out over the next few days. Again, I hope it doesn't inconvenience you that I've changed things up, but it's easiest for me (and should be easiest for you as well! It's tough to process so much information at once.) Since you know the topics ahead of time, you're still welcome to ask a specific question about a future topic until the night before I post my answers for that day.
I will be answering every question about college life that I receive, except for some personal ones involving location and things like that. I'm receiving a lot of the same questions, which I'm actually glad to see. It's comforting to know that so many of my younger readers are wondering the same things and having the same worries about college. Actually, as I read your questions, I remember wondering about the same issues. Hopefully my answers will ease your fears a little. I understand the feeling that college was a frightening unknown. Now that college is actually here, my world has changed in a lot of ways.
Tomorrow, I will answer questions about my classes.
How did you choose the college you're going to out of so many to choose from??
How is going to a secular school different from coming from a Christian high school? How do you like it? How are you adjusting to the difference?
Sounds like a great plan to me! I was wondering how you were going to fit all of those questions into one blog post. ;)
Sounds like a fab idea :)
1) Where do you prepare your food?
2) What kind of stuff are you eating?
3) Are you enjoying the food?