Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Letters from Africa

Lavin, the fourteen-year-old girl I sponsor through Christian Relief Fund, has been sending me letters like crazy lately.  I realize that Christian Relief Fund will occasionally send one or two letters from the child at once because of the great distance between Africa and America, but in the last month, I've received four letters from Lavin.  Wow!

Lavin and I have a special bond because we were able to spend a week together when I visited her school in Kenya, Africa.  We sang songs, shared stories, played games, and connected in a way I never thought I would experience with her.  Because of that, our letter writing has deepened beyond what it was when we were mere acquaintances.

Since I've been at college, my mom has been sending the letters from Lavin to me after they're sent to our home.  Recently, she said the letters have touched her heart so much that even she wishes I could just go back and see my sponsored child again.  I hope to visit Lavin one day, but first I must raise the funds I need in order to travel all the way to Africa and stay for at least two weeks at a time.  (I'm not sure how to raise three thousand dollars at the moment.)

Today I'd like to share with you the sweet, sweet letters I've received from Lavin over the last couple of weeks.  (I didn't change any spelling.)

August 2, 2011
Dear Emily,
How are you?  I hope that you are fine.  Here we are fine too.  I am thanking you for the letter that I have just received now.  I have two friends.  There name's are Doddie and Emily.  I miss you so much.  I love all of them.  I would just like to request [for you] to come back again and meet them too.
I thank God for giving such good friends.  I am praying for your families that may God be with them.  I am praying for your friend Rebekah [after her knee surgery, since I wrote Lavin a letter asking for prayer a while back] too.  The weather in Kenya is hot and cold.  When it is cold, we wear jackets and when the weather is hot, we put on light cloths.  My friends would like to see you or meet you.  I would like to write you a memory verse.
Memory verse:
My memory verse come from the book of Romans, chapter 3:18.  It says: Their is no fear of God before their eyes.
Psalm 100:1
Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the land.
Bye Emily
Your lovly daughter,
I love you Emily.

July 6, 2011
Dear Emily,
I hope that you are fine, you and your family too.  I miss [you] so much Emily and I hope that you will come.  Am so glad to you and you family and I hope that you are okay.  I am in standard 5 [fifth grade] and I am 14 years old. 
My favourite colour is green and brown.  My favourite number is 18.  And I want to tell you that I am doing well in school.  I am working hard.  I can remember the day that we went down to the field to play football and when we were dancing to school, we were singing. 
I can remember all the things we were doing in the school.  When I am going to sleep, I pray to [or for] you and your family.  When it is Sunday I went to church to pray and I must pray to [or for] you and you family.
I have a memory verse for you which comes from the book of Romans chapter 6:23.  It say For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
Your loving daughter,
I wished you all the best.

May 1, 2011
Dear Emily,
Hi, how are you?  I hope you are fine.  Here with us we are fine.  I am working heared in school so that I can achieve my goals.  Am always glad to recieve your letters and my photo.  Am celebrating my birthday in 12th November.  I love you very much and God love you most.  May God give you a long life.

Dear Emily,
Greetings, sister.  How are you?  I am doing fine.  Please give greetings to you family.
For me my family also give you greetings.  I miss you very much, Emily.  I have missed you and thought about you often for long, long time.  I am doing fine.
I'm just so happy to know that you are healthy and working hard in your school work.  I pray for you every day.  I love you, Lavin.  You are my sister in Christ.  I love to hear from you.  You are beautiful.  Read Romans 16:19.  My favorite thing is to write.  I write songs, stories, and poems.  Do you like to sing?  What is your favorite story? [The last four sentences are actually direct quotes from my last letter, which makes me chuckle.  Now I certainly know she studies my letters.]
God will bless you.

This may not be as adorable to you as it was to me, but it broke my heart.  It was so touching to read her memory of that day when we hooked arms and danced all the way back to her school after watching the "football/soccer" game, singing all the way.  It's so touching that she calls herself my daughter.  It's so touching that she prayed for my friend and that she knows the names of my siblings and friends (she's mentioned them in other letters).  I miss Lavin's smile, voice, and her hugs.

I'm not sure what I can do to raise the money to go back to Kenya, but I long to be back on African soil.  Someday soon, I pray.
If YOU are interested in starting up a friendship with a child living in an impoverished country and providing them with an education, food, and clothes, then consider sponsoring a child through Christian Relief Fund for $35 a month.


  1. I was tearing up reading this. That is just the sweetest thing, and it broke my heart in a good way. I'm so glad you have that bond with Lavin, and that she thinks of you as her mother. God is amazing and he is definitely using you in her life. I am hoping to sponsor a child myself sometime, but I'm not to savvy in finding a sponsoring company. There seem to be so many! I'll check out the Christian Relief Fund though.

  2. There are a lot of different sponsorship organizations! I reviewed some of them on a post I wrote about a year ago. You are welcome to take a look. :)
