Sunday, October 2, 2011

Piano Keys and Guitar Strings

I've come to discover that I love photographs of instruments.  There is something about a musical instrument that brings warmth to my heart and a smile on my face.  Not only do I love the sound instruments make and the touch of guitar strings or piano keys beneath my fingers, but I also love the look of instruments.  I love the rough edges of the strings, the dusky wood, the black and white keys of a piano.

I only brought one instrument to college, although I wish I could have brought more.  I brought along my acoustic guitar.  It rests against the far wall of my dorm room.  I think it's the prettiest part of my entire room.

When I'm feeling lonely, I can play a few simple notes and feel my heart lighten.  Music.  Sound.  Beauty.

I love the sound of the acoustic guitar.

I left my keyboard at home.  I can envision it in my mind, sitting next to my bed, waiting for my return.  Although I love piano, I've always struggled with learning how to play.  Guitar comes easier to me.  However, the next time I return home, I'll sit down on my piano bench and wipe the dust off the keys.

The music will return to me after a few minutes.  It always does.

As soon as I move into my own little apartment or home that is bigger than the small dorm room I inhabit at the moment, I'll move my keyboard and my electric guitar along with me.  I'll set them in plain view, just like they should be.  I'll admire them often, like I always do.

Do you play any instruments?  Which instrument's sound do you find the most pleasant?


  1. i play the piano and the guitar, the difference is that piano comes easier to me than the guitar does. I enjoy playing both of them.

  2. I love the look of instruments. They're always so photogenic!

    As far as playing them goes, I play the piano. I've played it since I was four and now I'm almost sixteen. It's my passion. I also play the acoustic guitar, and I'm teaching myself with a cheap guitar book. I'm not actually very bad on it, but piano comes easier, perhaps because I only started guitar this year. One other issue is that I am very short (5'2) and my hands are small so I can't do bar chords and sometimes it's hard for me to play chords clearly because of my small fingers.

    It'll come with practice though. :)

  3. Actually, Esther, you should still be able to play the acoustic guitar easily with small hands. I'm short too (5'1) and I also have very small hands. At first, it was very difficult for my hands to make the bar chords and fit around the neck of my guitar, but it was because they weren't used to making those shapes, not necessarily because they were too small to do bar chords. Your fingers will hurt and and feel stretched at first, but it feels that way for everyone while they're first learning. The more you practice, the easier it'll become. :) You may want to try a parlor guitar, which is a smaller-sized guitar. They have a little tinnier sound than an average-sized guitar, but it might be easier to start out on. Your hands will still feel like they have to stretch to play bar chords, but less so.
