Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Showing Off the Puppies

Tomorrow I'm going to get to see my dogs for the first time in almost two months.

I've missed my dogs a lot.

Buddy is the white Bichon Frise at the bottom left of the picture.  Jack is the little Yorkshire Terrier in the middle.  Boo is the Boston Terrier on the far right.  I've never not lived with a dog until this month.  I'm serious.  Since I was a baby, my family has always had a dog.  It's been quite an adjustment to have to live without one... and I can't wait until I have the time, money, and housing to get one for myself.

I miss Jack most of all.  We bonded last year because I got home from school at noon every day and had plenty of alone time to spend with Jack.  I taught him tricks, watched "Lost" with him cuddled in my lap every night, and spent the afternoons blogging with Jack curled up on my shoulder.

Jack never minded sleeping in his playpen.  Often when everyone in the house was bustling around and too busy to sit down and cuddle, Jack would wander over to his playpen and fall asleep.

When Boo gets sleepy, she goes and finds the biggest white stuffed animal in the room and stuffs it as far into her mouth as she possibly can.  Boo is very partial to white stuffed animals.  Sometimes my family and I joke that she uses them as a pacifier since she only puts them in her mouth when she is sleepy.

That's how Boo takes naps every single day.  With a white toy stuffed into her mouth.

If you have a Boston Terrier, does he or she do this too?  Or is this strange behavior only because Boo is a very strange dog?

Buddy is the laziest out of our three dogs, but I suppose he deserves to be since he is eleven years old.  He sleeps most of the time.  About once a day, he'll decide that he's feeling kinda hyper and start running in circles around the living room.  We call this the Bichon Buzz.  After he's finished racing around the room, he'll usually start rolling around on the floor and trying to convince whoever is nearby to rub his belly.

Buddy is... an interesting, quirky dog.

Sometimes I wonder about his laziness.  Two cushions?  Really?  At least he looks comfortable.

Yeah, I just felt like showing off my puppies today.  I'm so excited to see them tomorrow. :)

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