Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Reunion

About a week ago, I got the chance to see someone I haven't seen in a very long time.  In fact, I hadn't seen this person in over two months.

She was only passing through, but we had the opportunity to eat lunch together, hug, and even take a few pictures.

I got to see Rebekah!

She had just gone to see Lecrae in concert and happened to be driving through Rebecca's and my town at the same time that Ali was visiting!  It was like old times.  All of us together again, hugging, laughing, telling inside jokes... it was like nothing had ever changed.

It was so good to see everyone.

Rebekah coming to visit was such a fantastic gift because I was sure I wouldn't see her until mid-December.  And since the last time I had seen her was August 16, that would make our time away from each other almost exactly four months!  Far, far too long for as close of friends as we are.

We could hardly bring ourselves to say goodbye when Rebekah had to leave again.  She was on a tight schedule, so we only got about twenty minutes together.  The time was painfully short, but it was wonderful.

What was especially nice was how comfortable it was to be around Rebekah, even after two months of separation.  Not a moment passed before we were being silly and dorky around each other again.  We still fit together the same way, even if we've both changed here and there from our experiences at college.

We've been friends since we were seven years old.

I think we'll be friends forever.

(And the dorky thing probably won't ever change.)

Ali and I were sad when Rebekah drove away in her familiar car and then Rebecca also hugged Ali goodbye and drove back to her dorm.  This meant that in only thirty minutes, Ali and I would have to say farewell.

For twenty beautiful minutes, I got to see my friends together... and then just like that, we were all saying goodbye.

It just makes me all the more excited for Christmas.

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