Recently in Modesty and Style Category

A Peek into Ali's Dorm Room

On the August 16, Mom, Ali, and I woke up early and began the six hour drive to take Ali to college.  It was very bittersweet since we all knew that we'd have to say goodbye in only a few days.  Ali's car was packed.  Her belongings were piled up to the ceiling.  In fact, we had to move some of her things into my car so I'd have enough room to fit into her passenger seat.  I wish I would have taken a picture of Ali's. 

It's a strange feeling to see all of your belongings--the material expression of "you"--fit into the back of a small car.

Ali and I sang and made up dances to fun songs almost the entire way to her new city, even during rush hour traffic... which wasn't as crazy as we had heard it would be.  At times, it was hard to keep from being emotional. This was it.  After being inseparable, seeing each other every single day (often for most of every day) for over a year, we were about to be separated until possibly Thanksgiving.

Needless to say, a few tears were shed.

Now don't worry.  Ali and I will definitely still keep in touch.  We already text/Skype/Facebook/write letters/or talk on the phone to each other every single day.  And since we're sisters, we'll get to spend every holiday together.

It's just for now, without each other, life is going to be very, very different.  I know that can be a good thing... but... it's also a sad and scary thing. 

We had one evening together before we had to move Ali in and leave her to her orientation at her school.  We went to Texas Roadhouse and had a yummy meal.  We bought snacks (almonds and raisins, Ali's favorites) from Wal-Mart, and then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to pick out pillows.

Ali tends to be a little... forgetful, so she ended up forgetting BOTH of her pillows, her straightener, and most of her shampoos and such back at home.  The most immediate problem was a pillow, since she didn't have one.  I had brought one pillow to school, but I needed another (I love pillows), so we decided to begin our search together.

We're both very picky when it comes to pillows.

Cotton pillows don't do.  They're too plain.  Most feather pillows either flatten too easily or make us sneeze.  We don't like memory foam (it's too hard).  We like soft, squishy pillows.  Some down pillows work.  Some don't.

After quite a while of searching, wandering away from each other at times to try out certain pillows, we met up together... with the same pillow!  So now at night whenever we're feeling lonely and sad, we can hug our pillows and think of each other.  (Am I feeling sentimental or what?)

When it came time to leave to take Ali to school the next morning, dread seemed to hang in the air.  The "Big Goodbye" was about to happen.  We were about to be separated for two months.  We listened to "I Miss You" by Shane & Shane in the car together, over and over again.

Ali was a little... upset that the moment had finally come.  She hugged her new pillow the whole way.

The next morning, we had to move Ali into her dorm room at school.  She's actually sharing a room with two other girls, which I find crazy!  Ali has to sleep on a top bunk that is so close to the ceiling, I in all of my shortness can't even sit up straight.  However, the room is very cute and cozy and all three girls chose black and white patterns for their beds. 

I'll now share some much-requested photographs of Ali's dorm room.  I didn't take pictures of the ENTIRE thing because I wasn't sure if her roommates would appreciate pictures of their living quarters posted all over the internet.

Funny story... Ali called me a week or two ago saying that there was nobody at her new school to blog about her.  I replied, "Oh, Ali, I'll ALWAYS blog about you!"  My mom just sat on her bed in the hotel room, shaking her head and laughing silently.

First of all is Ali's bed.  It may be high-up, but it's super cute.  Ali was given the bedspread, which I actually LOVE, possibly even more than my (and it's perfect for her!).  Black, white, and yellow were her colors.  The fuzzy throw is way soft.  You can get the same one from Target.  I got a teal-colored throw for my own dorm room.  You can also see Ali's new pillow in a yellow pillowcase, a small decorative pillow (she realllly likes yellow), and a zebra-print decorative arm pillow.  Way cozy!

Ali got her own desk, which is great.  She decorated a bulletin board with ribbon, fabric, and a flower or two.  It's way cute, right?  Ali actually brought THREE teddy bears, which I couldn't stop teasing her about.  She also was sure to cover her desk with pictures of her families.  :)

The calendar you see on the top shelf is something I made at  I have one as well.

(The girl on the bottom bunk actually has the same comforter as I do!)

It was very difficult to say goodbye to Ali.  We were hoping to be able to go out to dinner one more time and talk and laugh... or even have a thirty or forty minute goodbye period, but we didn't.  When Ali went to the front desk to check into her dorm, she asked what time we were supposed to say goodbye and they said, "Uh, right now."

Mom, Ali, and I went to the bathroom for a few minutes.  We all cried and embraced and clung to each other.  Then we walked Ali to the auditorium and waved goodbye. 

It's been a couple of weeks now and I miss Ali like CRAZY.  I wish I could see my sissy every day again.

A few more weeks, Emily.  Just a few more weeks.

Well, do you like what you saw of Ali's dorm room?  Do you have any space-saving tips?

By the way, for those of you who have been asking what college is like, I'm having a special college Q&A day on September 10.  Leave your questions in the comments or email them to me at by September 9.  And if you have a specific question for Ali, say so and I'm sure she'd be willing to give an answer as well. ;)

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Comfort. Oh, comfort.

W: Wearing

I generally prefer comfort over style.  My favorite outfit would be a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt, like what you see below.  (In this picture, I'm actually standing in the closet of my future dorm room... but the outfit worked with this post, so there you go.)


I feel very comfortable with myself in shorts and a t-shirt, usually even more so than in a cute outfit.  This is probably because when I am wearing a cute outfit, I am more self-conscious about the way I look.  When I'm wearing a t-shirt, I'm supposed to look casual, so my hair and makeup just don't matter.

In fact, I'm wearing a t-shirt and a pair of Old Navy running shorts at this very moment. 

Photo on 8-1-11 at 8.06 PM.jpg

When it comes to an actual cute outfit, I do have one that is most recently my favorite.  Yes, I'm wearing skinny jeans.  I'm normally not a fan of skinny jeans, but my mom asked me to try them on in the store, and with certain long blouses, I'm actually okay with how they look.  Both the jeans and the blouse are from Forever 21.  The blouse is white and navy blue with a neat tribal print.  It's very comfortable.  What I like most about it, I think, is that it's out of my ordinary style.  Most days I'll wear shorts and a t-shirt, but when I branch out and wear something new and different, I'll get a lot of hugs and compliments from my friends.

This probably won't be my favorite outfit for much longer because I recently purchased several "ahem... special occasion" outfits with my grandma (her term for "date" outfits). 

IMG_9053.JPGWhat do you like to wear?


Why I Wear a Purity Ring

I've worn a purity ring since I was fourteen years old.  My dad gave me my first purity ring as a birthday gift.  It was the typical silver band with the words "True Love Waits" etched across the front.  You can get it here.  I loved the ring.  I loved its message and simplicity.  I loved what it stood for in my life.  I loved how blunt its words were.  "True Love Waits."  Nobody would ever question what that ring meant to me.

I lost my ring last summer, much to my dismay.  My new ring is also silver, although this one displays a pearl right in the center.  You can find it here.  It isn't as obvious that it's a purity ring as my first one, but I love it just as much.  It almost looks like a wedding ring, but with a pearl instead of a diamond.

I wear a purity ring as a symbol that I choose to remain pure before marriage.  When I say pure, I mean that I won't have sex before marriage, of course, but I will also try to keep all of my thoughts and actions pure as well.  I choose to stay pure so I can honor the Lord, my future husband, and myself.  I don't want to give away something that P1010839.JPGwas meant for one person.  Hebrews 13:4 says, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure..."  I want to honor my marriage, even before I am married, as a gift to my husband. 

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 says, "Flee from sexual immorality.  All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.  Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought at a price.  Therefore honor God with your bodies."

I never want to have to look my future husband in the eye and confess to him that I'm no longer pure.  I'm saving myself for him out of love, as a gift to my FH.  My first gift to him.

Without wearing a purity ring, I would still want and strive to be pure, but my purity ring is a tangible reminder of my choice.  I wear my purity ring on my left hand ring finger.  In a way, I see my purity ring as a pre-pre-wedding ring.  A wedding ring is a symbol of one's commitment to their spouse.  An engagement ring announces one's commitment to a soon-to-be spouse.  I wear my purity ring as a symbol of commitment to my FH.  It is a reminder to me that my FH is out there somewhere, hopefully waiting for me like I'm waiting for him.

Since I'm unmarried, I will still date, but while doing so, I will wear my purity ring as a reminder of the commitment I've made to God, to myself, and to my future husband.

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Why I chose not to date.

Beware.  Today I'm writing about romance.

I decided at the beginning of my senior year that I would not begin a romantic relationship until I went to college.  This might seem extreme to some, but there are reasons behind my decision.  I thought I'd go ahead and share my logic.  Here are a few reasons why I decided not to date my senior year.

The older I get, the more serious my relationships can become.
Since I'm eighteen, I'm technically old enough to get married.  I'm nearly ready to date "for real."  Sometime within the next couple of years, I might even meet the guy I'll end up marrying.  Even if I casually date a couple of the guys at my school or my church- because we're getting older and more mature- our fun and casual dates could turn into something more.  At this point in my life I'd like to branch out a little and meet my future spouse somewhere other than the place I've grown up.

I'm moving away soon.
Why would I even want to suffer the heartache of having to move several cities away from my boyfriend?  We're seniors.  Chances are, we'd probably attend different universities.  (And I most definitely do not want to feel pressured into attending the same university as my boyfriend just because I don't want to leave him.)  Starting college is going to be hard enough without having to try to keep up with a long distance relationship.  Plus, I'd like to enjoy being single on the college campus.  I'd like to go on dates and meet new guys.  I don't want to be held back by a guy I started dating in high school.

I want to focus on more important relationships in my life.
Right now, I don't want to keep up with the emotional roller coaster of a romantic relationship my senior year.  I'm about to move away from my family and friends.  Instead of worrying about going on dates and keeping a boyfriend happy, I'd much rather go on dates with my daddy or have a girls night out with my best friends.  I don't want to look back in a few years and think, "I wish I'd spent more time with my family instead of that guy who broke up with me three months after we started college."  There are more important relationships in my life right now and I'd like them to stay at the top of my priorities.

I need to spend more time working on my relationship with Jesus Christ.
I know my faith will be tested when I go to college, so I'd like to spend more time focusing on my relationship with the Lord.  If I'm busy with my senior year, spending time with my family and friends, and keeping up with a boyfriend, then I might lose focus on the One who matters most of all.

So that's why I've chosen not to date my senior year of high school.  Dating is fun, sure.  However, in my life right now, the emotional stress just isn't worth it.  I can wait.  You know, I don't think God has planned for me to find my future husband in my hometown.  I know I'll find him eventually, but I don't think it will be here.

The song "Wait" by Group 1 Crew just came into my head.

For now I patiently wait for you to come my way,
And I won't hesitate when you make your way right to my heart.
'Til then I'll patiently wait.

I found the photos I used in this entry here and here.

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What to Bring in Your Purse for Prom

This will be the last article full of tips of what to wear and bring to prom.  Today's tips will be what to keep in your purse when you go to prom.  For obvious reasons, you don't want to drag around a huge bag full of stuff, but you don't want to be desperately asking around for something you forgot and now need either.  I thought I'd advise you to bring a few necessary items in your clutch.

What if something happens while you're at prom and you need to head home early?  What if the dance lasts longer than expected and you need to call home to check in with your parents?  To stay safe, keep your charged phone with you in your purse.  I know that this is a cliche, but it truly is better to be safe than sorry.    

Bobby Pins
You may have a hair problem.  In fact, you probably will.  Chances are, you'll have to step outside in the wind, be stuck in a stuffy room for a few hours, and be moving around and dancing.  Even if you're wearing curls without any bobby pins, bring a few just in case.  You may have to tuck away a few flattening curls.  If you're wearing an elaborate updo or braid, this should be a no-brainer.  Bring plenty of bobby pins. 

Lipstick/Lip Gloss
You'll probably eat while at prom.  You will need to refresh your lipstick or gloss while you're there at some point, no matter what you're doing.  Lipstick isn't that big, so it should be easy to stick inside your clutch.  You will use it.

Any ID
Are you at least sixteen?  Bring your driver's license.  Otherwise, bring a student ID.  Just in case you get pulled over or the school won't allow you in with identification of some sort... or (and I know I'm sounding awful right now) if something happens and you get separated from your friends, you'll have a way to be identified.

Bring twenty bucks.  It may come in handy at some point.

Eyeshadow or Mascara or Blush
This is optional, but if you are worried about your makeup fading, you may want to stick a little something in your purse to help you out later on.

Feminine Products
I won't go into detail here.  Just... what if?


Did I leave anything out?

I got these pictures here and here.


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The Impact of a T-Shirt

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about Christian t-shirts.

When you wear a Christian t-shirt, in a way, you could compare yourself to a Muslim woman wearing a hijab.  You are basically telling everyone around you, "I am a follower of Jesus Christ."  From the moment you step outside while wearing a Christian t-shirt, everyone who sees you will know Who you follow.  And every move you make from that point forward will cause an impression to be made -of you, yes- but also of Jesus.

Scary, isn't it?

People make judgments based on appearance.  If you wear a Christian t-shirt in public and act like a jerk, then people will inevitably look at you and think, "That's a Christian?  Man, I can't stand those people."  And in the back of their minds, a little voice will say, "If that's how the followers of God act... then that's how God must be too."

When you're wearing a shirt that displays your faith for all to see, everything you do and say is a witness to the people around you.  People are constantly judging Christ through you.

That's easy, you might be thinking.  I hardly ever cuss or steal or lie.  I don't get drunk in seedy bars and beat up the people around me.  I don't sell drugs.  I'm a pretty good person.  No big deal.  But the "big stuff" isn't all you should be worried about.

Small things -like smiling- are vitally important.  If you brush past a stranger and he's left thinking, "Christians are snobs," then that's a problem.  Smile.  Act friendly to those around you, even if you're having a bad day.  If you're seen openly complaining and making negative comments and someone thinks, "I didn't know Christians acted like this," that's a problem.  Think before you speak.  If you're seen griping at your parents over the phone or gossiping about a friend... that's a problem. 

Everything you do will be scrutinized because people think, "I wonder what Christians are like" and then look at you.  1 Timothy 4:16 warns us to be conscientious of how we live because we are being observed.  People see Christ in us, no matter if we're acting like one of His disciples or not.

1 Corinthians 10:32 says, "Do not cause anyone to stumble."  How would you feel if you found out that someone turned away from God because they saw your actions and thought, "I was interested in God... but I sure don't want to be like that."  I've made the mistake of being a poor example for Christ.  Many times.  It's difficult to be a shining light all the time, but that is what we should strive to be.  Matthew 5:14 calls us to be cities on a hill.  People look to you when they want to see Christ.

Do I still think wearing Christian t-shirts is a good thing?  Absolutely.  Will I continue to wear them all the time?  You bet I will.  From this point forward, will I stop and think before I say or do something that might cause others to stumble?  Yes.

I know I've been called to be a city on a hill.  I know people judge my Savior based on my actions and words.  And from now on, I will strive to be a positive example for Him wherever I go.

Will you? 

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Outfit of the Week... A Little Dressy

Here is an outfit that you can wear to nicer occasions, such as church or a nice dinner. 

boyfriend jpgSweater-
I like this sweater.  It's loose enough to be modest, but it will also be warm during the early spring months.  I like how the wrists of the sleeves and the hem are tighter, adding some figure to the sweater.  This is from Old Navy for a slightly pricey $26.50.  The sweater will most likely be on sale at the store.  You can get it here

white jpgCami-
The sweater comes down a little low, so you should stick a cami underneath.  It might be difficult to match the pink of the skirt, so a simple white cami will work.  This one also comes from Old Navy.  It's only $8.  Find it here.

old navy jpgSkirt-
I like this old fashioned skirt from Old Navy.  It's a little pricey at $29.50, but it will probably be on sale in the actual store.  You can find it here.  I love the flowery design.  If the skirt reaches more than an inch above the knee, I'd advise you to wear a pair of gray leggings.


leggings jpgLeggings-
Leggings are optional, depending on the length of your skirt.  These gray leggings can be found at Charlotte Russe for only $5.  You could also get a shorter length, which would work better in spring.  A longer length like this will help you not freeze to death when you walk outside in mid-January.  You can see them here.

ballet jpgShoes-
For shoes, I'd go with something simple in a plain color like black or gray.  Try these ballet flats from Old Navy.  They come in several different colors.  They're $19.50, but you could probably get them on sale at the store.  Check'em out here.

sparkly jpgJewelry-
A pretty necklace will work well with this outfit.  I like the look of this sparkly necklace from Charlotte Russe.  It's $10.50.  Check it out here.

This outfit, if you purchase everything listed above, costs nearly $100, but if you mix and match with tank tops, shoes, leggings, and jewelry of your own, you could easily bring this outfit down to $50 by purchasing only the sweater and the skirt.  It's all up to you.  I love the look of the outfit.  The skirt holds a touch of spring, which I'm greatly looking forward to, but you can keep a wintery touch with the sweater and the leggings.

What do you think?


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Outfit of the Week... Cute and Casual

This month, I'll be starting a series where once a week, I'll show you a cute, modest outfit that is fairly inexpensive.  I'll be providing prices, stores where the outfit is available, and photos of each item.  I won't usually be including jeans in the mix because you probably already have a pair of jeans, and to be honest, I believe in splurging on a good pair of jeans.  However, I might include a cute skirt now and then.

Today's outfit is a cute but casual look.

Aeropostale sweaterThis cute sweater from Aeropostale.  It's $15.  You can find it here.  I like the colors of this sweater.  I also love the wide collar that folds out.  The sleeves are three quarter length, which will be nice when spring begins to roll around because the sweater will be warm, but the shorter sleeves will help you not burn up on a warm day. 


CamiUnder the sweater, you'll need to wear a shirt of some sort.  It can be something as light as this cami, also from Aeropostale.  You can buy camis two for $15 or one for $17.50.  Check it out here.  The Aero cami will come in the same red as the sweater, but you can also get colors like pink, charcoal, white, or beige that will also go with the colorful stripes.

Red jpg
You can add a cute pair of flats to the mix.  Try a pair of flats, perhaps a cute red pair like these.  You can get them from Payless for only $15.  I like the little bow on top.  A lot of shoes will work for this diverse outfit, so try a pair you already have at home.

bow jpg
What you use for jewelry will depend on your own creativity, but here are a few ideas.  I would wear either a small necklace or a few bracelets with this outfit, but not necessarily both.  A watch would work with a necklace or if you wear bracelets on your other arm. 

I'd suggest a short necklace with a small charm, like this one from Charlotte Russe.  It's only $6.50.  I love the way the charm is shaped like a bow.  It's absolutely adorable.  You can find it here.

bangle jpgHere are some small bangle bracelets that will be visible since the sweater has three quarter length sleeves.  You can find the bracelets at Charlotte Russe for an easy $4.  I love the different textures on the bracelets.  Check'em out here.

This outfit costs a little over $50 when you include the jewelry. 

If you don't take off the sweater, you'll be modest and cute.  The outfit is perfect for spring and will go great with a comfortable pair of jeans.    


What do you think about this new topic? 
Did you like the outfit?


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Modest Trends: Trench Coats

I personally love trench coats.  I think they're figure flattering, modest, feminine, and cute.  They make me think of detectives... and I love old detective novels.  Another great thing about trench coats is the fact that they cover up.  They don't dip down low, so you're able to look stylish and modest at the same time.  I'll go ahead and discuss the different kinds of trench coats in style this year.

Pea Coats
These are still popular, although not quite as much of the rage as they were last year.  They're generally made from a thicker, warmer material than a trench coat.  You should wear your pea coats fairly short, no longer than mid-thigh.  The colors that I've seen around the most are: black, white, teals, and deep purples.  I've seen some prints as well.  Big buttons are also in, part of a military jacket theme that's been circulating recently.  You can purchase the cute purple pea coat to your left at JC Penney for $69.99.

Long Trench Coats
These can reach from your knees to your calves.  However long they are, they should have a cinch belt to tie around your waist and big buttons.  You should preferably choose a coat with a big, flipped collar.  Colors can range from beiges and grays to blacks and charcoals to brighter colors, such as reds, greens, and blues.  Be careful: if you're short like me, a long trench coat can dwarf you even further.  Check out this cute trench coat from Old Navy.  It's only $49.99. 

Short Trench Coats
I've seen these coats as shirts before, which I like, because they aren't too short.  They can also be used as jackets.  They should reach anywhere from mid-thigh to your hip.  Colors like red, purple, and blue are stylish when it comes to shorter trench coats.  These should also have big buttons, a turned out collar, and a cinched waist.  Fabrics like satin and velvet are accepted with this trend.  I wore a short trench coat for part of my spirit week costume this year.  Check out this cute trench coat for $79.99.

Do you like trench coats?  Where did you buy yours?

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The Shoe Review Blog

Day 5: A favorite pair of shoes

This topic is difficult for me.  I have several pairs of shoes that I adore.  Shoes and t-shirts are probably my favorite wardrobe accessory in the world, meaning that I have a lot of them... and I don't really have a favorite pair of shoes. 

Chuck Taylors
Out of all of my shoes, I think I have the most pairs of Converse.  Many of them were gifts.  I love Chucks because they express my personality better than any shoes.  I love the different colors and styles.  I even have a pair of "baby" Chucks hanging from the mirror of my car.  My favorite pair would have to be a pair of lo-top black Converse.  They're very comfortable and have practically molded to my foot.  I wear a lot of black with my clothes, so they go with nearly every outfit I own.

I love TOMS because they are one-for-one.  With each pair of TOMS you buy, they'll donate a pair to a child without shoes.  These are also comfortable and lightweight.  I have two pair.  I would definitely recommend that you buy a pair of TOMS and help provide shoes for poverty-stricken kids.  I wrote a review of these shoes on an earlier blog entry.  I also celebrate TOMS Day Without Shoes. 

Old Navy flip flops
I wear these all the time in the summer.  I probably have a million pairs.  Not really, but I have all of the basic colors.  I'm not a big fan of the crazy designs.  What I do sometimes though is mix and match.  If I'm wearing a shirt that is red, white, and blue, I'll wear one red flip flop and one blue flip flop.  They're about as comfortable as flip flops get, and $2.50 a piece.  I've gotta say, if you're going to buy flip flops, you need to buy them from Old Navy.  My favorite pair of flip flops is this latest year's style.  They are shiny and a dark gray.  They go with nearly everything I own, and they're very comfortable.  I wear them all the time.

Rocket Dogs
I got my first pair of these with this new school year.  They're black and white and very comfortable.  They actually look good on me, while most "flat-like" shoes don't.  I'm satisfied with them so far.  I think they're cute.  They match several of my outfits, and they can pull off both the casual and the cute look.  I can wear them with shorts, jeans, or a skirt!

Potato Shoes
I got my Birkinstock potato shoes a couple of years ago.  They're the perfect shoes for if you simply feel like relaxing and looking casual.  I love to wear them in the winter with fuzzy socks.  They keep me warm.  Potato shoes have a lot of knock off brands as well, but I've heard they aren't as comfortable.  I love my potato shoes, even though they're not very attractive.  I wear them a lot during the cold months.  I've never had any complaints with them.


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Green eyes, green shirt, green earth.

Green outfitPrettyPrices and Origins:
Shirt: Old Navy, $19.50
Cami: Aeropostale, $8.75
Pants: Charlotte Russe.  I couldn't find them online, but I purchased them out of the store for an easy $30.
Shoes: Rocket Dogs, Journeys, $35
Necklace: My necklace is a one of a kind piece made out of paper that I purchased while in Kenya, Africa.  You can buy a similar Kenyan necklace here for $15.

Comfort Factor:
Shirt: 6/10
Cami: 7/10
Pants: 8/10
Shoes: 7/10

Total Modest Outfit Cost
(not including shoes): $73.25
Total Modest Outfit Cost (including shoes): $108.25

I love the color of my blouse, which is the main reason why I bought it.  The dark green shade turn my eyes a bright green.  See the picture to the bottom right?  Yes, that's my real eye color (although with a different shirt on a different day...).  However, the blouse wasn't super comfortable.  I had to wear a cami underneath it to stay modest, but it tended to ride up and be too short on my long torso (thank goodness for the cami), as you can see in the picture.  I had to constantly pull it down over my hips.  One thing I do love about this shirt, however, is the fact that it isn't clingy or form fitting.  I also loved the stitching on the blouse.  You can see the picture below.

A cami is a cami.  I prefer Aeropostale's the best.  The only thing about this simple white cami is that it starts to fall low and I have to check every so often to make sure I don't need to pull it up.  I have a long torso, so I like the length of Aeropostale's camis most of all.

I loved the fading on my jeans.  They came in "short", so I didn't have to get them hemmed.  They weren't too long for me.  They're a little "low riding", but other than that, they were comfortable.  I liked their color as well.

My shoes are new.  I love their style, but I wasn't thrilled with how they fit.  As the day dragged on, they tended to cram my toes and the sides of my foot into the front of the shoe.  I've heard they're like that at first until they stretch, so I hope my new Rocket Dogs become more comfortable than they are now.  They're super cute, if that means anything.

Overall, I thought this outfit was cute, but it wasn't the most comfortable.  I preferred yesterday's outfit a little more.

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Purple Flowers <3

The outfit I wore for the first day of school is not very "glamorous."  I decided to go for comfortable rather than extremely cute.  After all, a good friend of mine advised me, "Don't worry about what you're going to wear on your first day.  Everyone else is going to be so focused on their own cute outfit, they might not even notice yours."  So I went for a little cute and a lot comfortable.  Best of all, my outfit was completely modest.

Prices and Origins:
Shirt: Old Navy, $12
Pants: Levi's, Kohl's, $40 (although these are usually on sale at the store.  I got them for $31.)
Shoes: TOMS, $55 (Unfortunately, these TOMS are not being made anymore.  Here is the link to a cute, similar pair.)
Necklace: Okay, this was an expensive accessory because it was a gift from my parents.  You can purchase a similar but less expensive pair of pretend pearls for $6.50 at Charlotte Russe.

Comfortable Factor:
Shirt- 9/10
Pants- 8/10
Shoes- 8/10

Total Modest Outfit Cost (not including shoes): $49.50
Total Modest Outfit Cost (including shoes): $113.50

Overall, I was very satisfied with this outfit.  It was comfortable and cozy, and I got a lot of compliments on the blouse.  Nothing was slipping around or too tight, so I didn't constantly have to worry what I looked like.  Even though it was a simple dark gray, I loved the flowery design towards the top.  It was big enough so that it didn't draw specific attention to a certain part of me, but the design was simple and attractive.  I loved the beading.  I'll go ahead and show you a close up picture of my blouse so you can see the intricate beading designs.  Mind you, these pictures were taken after I got home from school, so I don't look very "fresh."

My new jeans were also very comfortable.  They came in "short" size, so I didn't have to get them hemmed.  I also like the way they fit.  Comfortably and not too tight. 

My shoes were old, but they were as comfortable as always.  I love TOMS.  Even though this specific style of shoes is no longer for sale, I'll go ahead and show you a picture of my shoes.  They give facts about "if the world was a village of 100 people", how many would have AIDS, how many would have no shoes, etc.  They're amazing. 

For my hairstyle, I left it down and straight.  I wore some eye makeup, but that's it. 

Perfectly modest, I'm thinking.

Do you like this outfit?  Leave your comments below.

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TOMS Shoes!

Today's featured charity is...

TOMS Shoes!

TOMSThis organization is not specifically Christian, but what it is doing is helping a lot of people.  For each pair of TOMS shoes that you buy, TOMS donates a pair of shoes to a needy child. 

The story behind TOMS-
According to their website:

"In 2006 an American traveler, Blake Mycoskie, befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet.  Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of shoes given to a child in need.  One for One.  Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by caring TOMS customers.  Since our beginning in May 2006, TOMS has given over 600,000 pairs of shoes to children in need, through the purchases of caring customers."

Why does TOMS do what they do?
According to their website:

-A leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted diseases, which can penetrate the skin through bare feet. 
-Wearing shoes can help prevent these diseases, and the long-term physical and cognitive harm they cause.  Wearing shoes also prevents feet from getting cuts and sores.  Not only are these injuries painful, they are also dangerous when wounds become infected. 
-Many times children can attend school barefoot because shoes are a required part of their uniform.  If they don't have shoes, they can't go to school.  If they don't receive an education, they don't have the opportunity to realize their potential.

TOMS ShoesWhat can I do to help TOMS?
This is a win-win situation.  All you need to do is buy their shoes!  They have shoes for boys, girls, weddings, and for every season of the year.  They also carry shirts and jewelery.  Are you a vegan?  No problem.  They carry vegan shoes.  The rest of their shoes are made with leather.

Do you own TOMS?
As a matter of fact, I do.  I own two pairs.  The pictures of the TOMS posted in this article are my own. 

Are TOMS comfortable?
Yes!  They're almost like going barefoot.  They're very comfortable... and they're cute.  They're great summer shoes, for girls and boys alike.

What are some cons of TOMS?
-They can get kind of hot in the summer when you're running around in them.
-The fabric that makes the vegan TOMS smells a little weird- a pungent smell that I don't like at all.  If you don't like funky smells, try getting a linen pair.  They don't have this problem.
-They don't have arch support, meaning they are going to have as much foot support as a pair of flip flops or sandals.  This is fine, so long as you don't go run a marathon in them.

TOMS ShoeAny other tips?
Buy a little smaller than you usually would.  TOMS stretch as you wear them, so you don't want to buy them just right and have them become too big.  If they get too big for you, just buy two dollar inserts at a drugstore and they'll fit you again.  No biggie. :)

Where can I buy TOMS?
Some stores in your city may carry them, but often in limited styles.  I prefer ordering them off the TOMS website-

Do you have TOMS?  Do you like them?  Share your opinions below.    


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To the Hopefuls ;)

To the Hopefuls-

To all of you hopefuls, to you boys out there,
Who have been dreaming of asking me out,
This poem is a warning, a friendly "beware!"
You don't know what you're talking about.

See, I'm very picky.  It takes quite a lot
For a boy to win my affections.
You may be the right guy... but probably not.
Please know I have high expectations. 

I don't want to sound uppity, snooty, or mean,
But I feel like I should tell the truth.
I'm not in a great hurry.  I'm just seventeen!
There is still so much time left to choose.

I've liked guys before. You may have a chance.
I'm flattered.  You're so very kind-- but--
If you're trying to find a way into my pants,
Then you have the wrong girl in mind.

I know that God has great things in store,
And if you are the right guy, you'll see!
We can always be friends,  but if you want more,
You must be seeking Him to find me.

Emily Whelchel

This was a joke in many ways, but... girls who feel this way as well, here is our anthem. :)  What do you think?

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True Beauty

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.
People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of each of your arms. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives and the passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.
-Audrey Hepburn

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